Prophesy of Pendor 3 Wiki
Toblik 3

Toblik is the leader of The Veccavian Renegades' Mercenary Company. He is a melee footman, a Veccavi Uncut, and the weapon he uses is a Military Pick.

He will only hire if the player has at least 30 Right to rule, and 15,000 denars to offer.

All of the other 5 Monarchs may hire this company as well (but it can't be hired by the rest if they're already in Pendor, they have to be defeated first).


Introduction: Hail, foreign {King/Queen}. I am Toblik, a Veccavian Uncut, and this is my loyal warband of Veccavian Renegades.

We came to Pendor to escape the female oppression and injustices in our homeland, but only found more injustice. Your women are treated no better than the men of Veccavia.

One day, rivers will run red with blood in the name of justice, but until then, we are at the service of the Pendor mighty such as yourself.

When talked to: Hail! Shall we converse about the quaint injustices of Pendor or put our consciences to sleep by more slaughter?

When ordering "I have a task for you...": There's no task too evil or too hard when your final destination is worthy.

When ordered "Go to..." or "Patrol around...": Where shall we go next? It matters little.

When told "Follow me": I'll gather my women and men, and we shall be on our way.

Departure: Your ways are foreign, {King/Queen}, but we were satisfied in your service. I can assure you that your gold will be put to good use. Farewell!
